During this extremely stressful time, the wellness of our clients, staff, and community is our number one priority. At CHD, we are open and we are being vigilant to ensure that our stores are clean and safe for all. Our staff has been advised to stay home if they exhibit any symptoms of illness or if they have been exposed to someone who may be at risk. We will continue to stay apprised of developments and adhere to the guidelines put forth by the authorities.

CHD has also implemented a no-contact client experience offering Skype or Facetime presentations and appointments. We have also arranged to send samples of fabrics to clients for approval rather than in-person store visits. If you have any questions or need more details on these new methods, please email us at info@chdinteriors.com or call us at 843.357.1700.

With the world ever-changing, we can’t plan for much, but we can continue to work together as a community and look forward to the day that our world returns to normal. Until then, please be kind to one another and we will navigate this incredibly challenging situation together.

Take care- The CHD Team